The dhs software module Measurement Tool enables two-dimensional measurement and labelling of previously saved images. With its innovative multilayer technology and many convenient features, it is used for a wide variety of applications.
You can connect a large number of different image sources to the dhs Image Data Base: from the digital microscope cameras which are commonplace today (see the dhs-MicroCam range) to simple analogue video cameras (b&w or colour), scanners, digital photo cameras and scanning electron microscopes, through to X-ray machines and interferometers.
Image-related data can already be entered directly during image capture. The process is supported by a function key. A large and fast live image ensures perfect ergonomics on the monitor.
The THMS600 is one of the most widely used heating and freezing microscope stages available. Thousands of stages have been sold around the world to date. The THMS600 is used in many applications where high heating/freezing rates and 0.01°C accuracy and stability are needed. The THMS600 has a temperature range of -196°C to 600°C.
Samples can be quickly characterized by heating to within a few degrees of the required temperature at a rate of up to 150°C/min with minimal overshoot, then slowed down to a few tenths of a degrees per minute to closely examine sample changes. The entire experiment can be saved as an online plot or exported to a spreadsheet application.
The Jenoptik GRYPHAX® serie SUBRA camera brings reliability and efficiency to microscopy image acquisition. Its modern CMOS sensor featuring a particularly high pixel resolution delivers shorter exposure times and high image refresh rates. You can work very comfortably with the microscope camera, as well as save time.
Explore the micro universe with revolutionary 3 & 8 MPix.
The PROGRES GRYPHAX® ARKTUR USB 3.0 microscope camera from Jenoptik enables you to „Research Life”, to “Examine Elements”, to “Evaluate quality” and to “Reveal Truth”.
Explore the micro universe with revolutionary 5 & 20 MPix.
The PROGRES GRYPHAX® NAOS USB 3.0 microscope camera from Jenoptik enables you to „Research Life”, to “Examine Elements”, to “Evaluate quality” and to “Reveal Truth”.
Explore the micro universe - colored in low light & bright field.
The PROGRES GRYPHAX® KAPELLA is a sensitive color camera for challenging samples and lighting conditions. It offers scientific users a new level of image dynamics and richness of detail. The microscope camera from Jenoptik enables you to „Research Life”, to “Examine Elements”, to “Evaluate quality” and to “Reveal Truth”.
The operating software is included and can be installed quickly and is operated in the same way on different computer operating systems such as Macintosh, Windows and Linux OS.
The PROGRES GRYPHAX® PROKYON camera, the flagship of the PROGRES GRYPHAX range, combines the best properties of all the models. It is the perfect all-round camera, capable of dealing with all aspects of microscopy through its image resolution of between 2.3 and 20.7 megapixels. Jenoptik is thereby continuing to invest in microscanning and color co-site sampling technologies. True colors can now be determined at speeds never previously achieved.
Building on our extensive experience with high performance scientific cameras and advanced imaging applications, Hamamatsu introduces the new ORCA-Flash4.0 V3.
This one camera expertly handles applications ranging from the acquisition of beautiful scientific images to experiments that demand detection, quantification and speed.
With on-board FPGA processing enabling intelligent data reduction, highly refined in-camera, pixel-level calibrations, increased USB3.0 frame rates, purposeful and innovative triggering capabilities, patented lightsheet read out modes and individual camera noise characterization the ORCA-Flash4.0 V3 is the precision instrument for imaging.
These high-volume centrifuges Z 446 and Z 446 K achieve a throughput of 68 x 15 ml conical tubes or 28 x 50 ml conical tubes at a max.RCF of 3434/4346 xg.
If higher speeds are required, we also offer e.g. an angle rotor with a max. RCF of 14532/16022 xg for 10 x 50 ml.
The fixed-angle and swing-out rotors are suitable for almost all aplications in everyday use in clinical, industrial and research laboratories.