Προβάλλονται όλα - 6 αποτελέσματα
Model 110
Automatic Twin-Jet Electropolisher
- - Electrolytic polishing or chemical etching
- - Simultaneous two-sided polishing
- - No induced artifacts
- - Easily adjustable flow rate, jet and specimen positions
- - Reliable, accurate termination
Model 160
Specimen Grinder
- -Precise planar grinding
- -Specimens up to 18 mm diameter
Model 170
Ultrasonic Disk Cutter
- - Minimal mechanical and thermal damage
- - Thin specimens (>10 µm) or thick (<1 cm)
- - Rapidly cuts disks, rods, or rectangular specimens
- - Automatic terminatio
Model 180
XTEM Prep Kit
- - Fabricate precise cross-section specimens for transmission electron microscopy
- - Aligns area of interest
- - Produces consistent glue layer thickness
Model 200
Dimpling Grinder
- - Controlled thinning rate
- - Precise
- - Easy to use
- - Automated operation
- - Alignment microscope